“National Peace Council: A Toothless Organization in a Time of Crisis”

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“National Peace Council: A Toothless Organization in a Time of Crisis”

“The National Peace Council’s invitation to political dialogue rings hollow, considering their conspicuous absence during the 2020 election bloodshed. Their credibility lies in tatters, and it’s astounding that they still think they have a role to play in promoting peace.

Their silence was deafening as innocent lives were lost, and their inaction emboldened the perpetrators of violence. Now, they want to facilitate dialogue among the very same politicians who may have benefited from their inaction? It’s a travesty.

It’s time to disband this toothless organization, as they’ve proven themselves to be a waste of time and resources. They’ve failed to uphold their purpose and have instead become a hindrance to true progress. Their presence only serves to legitimize the status quo and give a false sense of security.

The God they claim to serve will surely judge their complicity in the face of violence. It’s time for them to take responsibility for their failures and step aside. Ghana deserves better than a peace council that only pays lip service to peace.”



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