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The Coalition of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) involved in election observation, led by the Centre for Conflict Resolution-Ghana (CENCOR) has expressed grave disappointment over the Electoral Commission of Ghana’s refusal to grant them accreditation to monitor the upcoming 2024 General Elections.
The group argues that this decision reflects a lack of accountability and prudence on the part of the EC Chairperson, Jean Mensa with potential consequences for both the state and her leadership.
The affected organizations include the Centre for Conflict Resolution-Ghana (CENCOR), the Jatikay Centre for Human Security and Peace Building (JATIKAY CENTRE), the Human Security Research Center Ghana (HSRCGh), and the FESF Foundation.
Speaking at a press conference, Security Analyst and Executive Director of Jatikay Centre, Adib Saani, urged the EC to reconsider its decision and provide accreditation to all eligible CSOs that applied for observer roles.
Meanwhile Executive Director of the Centre for Conflict Resolution-Ghana, Lt. Gen. Arnold Quainoo (Retired), on his part expressed his disappointment, emphasizing the credibility and longstanding reputation of his organization.