Rejoinder: “Lesbians and Gays Have Rights…Leave Them To God”- Archbishop Addai

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Rejoinder: “Lesbians and Gays Have Rights…Leave Them To God”- Archbishop Addai

The Editorial head of expresses apology vis-a-vis a story published on Monday, 25th March 2023, headlined, “Gays and Lesbians Have Rights…Leave Them To God- Archbishop Addai”.

We humbly admit that the above headlined was blown out of proportion and does not in any way mirror the original comment made by Archbishop Samuel Addai, Founder and Leader or Shiloh United Church in an interview granted on Sunday, 24th March 2024 at the premises of his Church.

Also, some portions of the content on the story filed by the reporter which reads “He however indicated in an interview with this medium that the content of the bill infringes on the rights of the LGBTQs and will make life in Ghana difficult for them.

All should be treated as human beings regardless of ones sexual orientation.

It is painful that the laws of this country does not protect these class of people. It is worrying”.

He therefore admonished Ghanaians especially, Christians to leave the LGBTQs society to God and avoid enacting laws that seeks to incriminate and kill them.

Lesbians and gays have rights as Jesus said those without sin should throw the first stone and we shouldn’t be judging” does not

Leave them to God” does not reflect the true comment made by Archbishop Samuel Addai in the interview.

We hereby express great remorse, premised on the inconveniences caused to the Archbishop, his family, Ministry, followers and reputation and render an apology to that effect.


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