Anyinofi enclave Residents make passionate appeal to President Mahama for DCE appointment

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Anyinofi enclave Residents make passionate appeal to President Mahama for DCE appointment
Residents of Anyinofi enclave in the Sekyere Afram plains district have made passionate appeal to H. E president Mahama to recognize the contribution of the people in the community to honor them with district chief executive position.
According to them, one among the three shortlisted prospective MMDCEs nominees for Sekyere Afram plains district,Owusu Mensah Charles hail from the community while the two other nominees are from Drobonso enclave and the community which has been benefiting from political appointments since the creation of the district in the year 2012
They maintained that, the other candidate, NJONOLAH LINUS is also a northerner who hails from ISSAKURA, where the first NDC appointee(Hon Fuseni Donkor) in 2012 also hailed. ISSAKURA is a community closer to Drobonso, the district capital within Drobonso electoral area, an area where the just outgoing MP, Hon Adomako Mensah also hailed.
According to them,the directives issued by the national Secretariat signed by Mr Fiifi Quartey has it that, in the selection of of MMDCEs, nominees should not be selected from the same town or area as the member of parliament hail from to ensure balanced representation.
The group opinied that, in the Sekyere Afram plains constituency, a unique situation has risen which has tendency to oppose the party’s directives.
According to them,both member of parliament for Sekyere Afram plains constituency, Hajia Nasira Afrah Gyekye and their current constituency chairman, Mr Abubakar Issaka who is also candidate vying for the DCE position hail from the same town called Samso and are all northerner and share the Muslim faith.
This affirmed that, the two prospective MMDCEs nominees and the MP are all northerners.
The residents maintained that, since the creation of the district, people of Anyinofi enclave have been denied from political leadership in government and this is an opportunity for the leadership of the party to choose Owusu Mensah Charles who hail from Anyinofi enclave to bring fairness, balance and inclusiveness.
The residents during their engagement with the media said that, this will affirm the national chairman, Mr Aseidu Nketiah’s promise made to the people of Anyinofi enclave during his campaign visit to the community.