Electoral Chaos Unleashed: Jean Mensah’s EC Fiasco Threatens Ghana’s Democracy, NDC Sounds Alarm

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Electoral Chaos Unleashed: Jean Mensah’s EC Fiasco Threatens Ghana’s Democracy, NDC Sounds Alarm

Ghana’s Electoral Commission, under the leadership of Jean Mensah, has plunged the nation into electoral turmoil, sparking widespread concerns about the integrity of the electoral process. The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has lost all confidence in Jean Mensah’s capacity to deliver a free, fair, and transparent election, citing a litany of irregularities and unprecedented errors in the ongoing Exhibition Exercise.

The NDC has raised alarm bells about the EC’s intention to rig the elections in favor of the ruling government, a recipe for chaos and confusion in Ghana. The party’s concerns are rooted in the EC’s presentation of three conflicting versions of the electoral register, none of which match, and the failure to address discrepancies in the Exhibition daily printouts.

The EC’s actions are a clear indication of their intention to manipulate the electoral process, said an NDC spokesperson. “We can not trust Jean Mensah to deliver a credible election.” Her leadership has been marked by controversy, and this latest debacle raises serious questions about her fitness to oversee Ghana’s electoral process.

The NDC has demanded immediate action to address these discrepancies and ensure the integrity of the electoral register. “We will not stand idly by while the EC undermines Ghana’s democracy,” the spokesperson added. “We urge all stakeholders to join us in demanding accountability and transparency from the EC.”

Ghana’s democracy teeters on the brink of collapse, and the international community must take notice. The EC’s fiasco has far-reaching implications, threatening to destabilize the country and undermine the rule of law. It’s time for Jean Mensah to come clean and restore trust in the electoral process or step aside and allow a competent leader to take the reins.

The ongoing Exhibition Exercise, meant to be a transparent and inclusive process, has become a sham under Jean Mensah’s watch. It’s imperative that these discrepancies are addressed immediately, and the EC is held accountable for its actions. Ghana’s democracy deserves better; its citizens demand better. The time for accountability is now.



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