There Should Be Traditional Holiday-Chief Priest Suggests:

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There Should Be Traditional Holiday-Chief Priest Suggests:

National holiday for traditional religion would be a step towards unity and understanding among all our people.

Nana Baffour Gyau,a traditionalist at Abofremu in the Atwima Mponua district of the Ashanti Region, has suggested that, there should be National Holiday  given to the Traditionalist in the country since the constitution of the land allows freedom of religion.It would be the step towards unity and understanding among all religions.

In an interview with the this medium,Nana Baffour Gyau revealed that, the traditional worshipers contribute to the rich tapestry of this nation’s beliefs, and it is only fair that they are granted the same respect and celebration as other religions such us Christian and Islamic religion enjoys.

He stressed the culture significance of traditional religious, highlighting their deep-rooted history and values.
“Our traditions are not relics of the past, they are living, breathing parts of our identity ” KOMFOUR Baffour GYAU expressed passionately. A national holiday would honour our ancestors and educate future generations about the beauty of our beliefs.

He urged the government to take action, the time has come the nation to recognize and celebrate the diverse faiths that make up our society.

He made a humble suggestion the governing NPP especially Chieftaincy ministry and other stakeholders that, Rivers Holiday would be fine to remember and celebrate the contribution and effort of our fourth father’s.


Call him for more revelations.
Baffour Gyau



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