
What Ghanaians should know about the historical hidden truth Of NDC event on the cause of Doomsor

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What Ghanaians should know about the historical hidden truth Of NDC event on the cause of Doomsor

Based on our research analysis Doomsor is a legacy of NDC. Rawlings started it in 1995 which was more critical than what we experienced in 2013 under Mahama.

It was that time that people acquired mini generators and most houses were burnt because of inferior generators that were imported into the country. So many lives were lost.

It was at that time that lamps with radios and even with fans attached emerged.

Many factories collapsed during that dumsor under Rawlings’s regime. It was the former president Kufour who came to power and rescued Ghanaa from that dumsor.

That was when the West African gas pipeline was constructed from Nigeria to Ghana. President Kufour came to retrofit the Theabodeese turbine plant into gas and oil. And that brought the end of that dumsor. Mahama could not continue what Kufour left and brought back into dumsor.

That tells you NDC any time they are in power, they are unable to manage our electricity well and plunge us into dumsor.


Any serious-minded Ghanaians will not take NDC and Mahamas seriously because they are jockers, liars and nation wreckers.

They lied to take power in 2008 and they have started it again. Ghanaians must wake up and should not mind the rhetoric of Mahama because he has no clue about the development of this dear nation.

  1. They are fighting to clinch power to continue their Create, Loot And Share agenda…

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